Workshops and Classes
Tailored one-on-one or small group classes can be arranged, teaching specific skills or basic photography to groups and individuals anywhere in the Cleveland region. Additionally, some upcoming workshops:
Photography as an Art Therapy Workshop
Presented by MetroHealth—Center for Arts in Health & Julia de Burgos Cultural Arts Center
Photography has traditionally been incorporated in art therapy from the perspective of using imagery to stimulate the mind, recall memories, and to tell stories. However, a growing area of photography in art therapy is creating photography to manifest self-expression; to create stories and narratives; to document people, activities, and places in an individuals’ life; and to gain the benefits of the joy one experiences from creating photography and self-expression.
This class will focus on teaching the skills to create photography from the perspective of art therapy and will also touch on the applications and benefits of photography as a form of art therapy. The objective of the course is to give students enough knowledge to perform--and enjoy--photography beyond the class as that in itself can be therapeutic--and can help tell stories that students want (or need) to express or share.
Date: April 13, 2024, 12-2pm
Location: Julia de Burgos Cultural Arts Center, 2800 Archwood Ave, Cleveland
Cost: FREE
Course Name: Photography with Mark Zannoni: Stimulate the Mind & Share Stories or Thoughts through Photography //
Estimula la Mente y Comparte Historias o Pensamientos a través de la Fotografía
Photography Fundamentals - 3 Week Short Course
Presented by Julia de Burgos Cultural Arts Center
For ages 11-18.
Learn the basics of photography including composition, subject, lighting, aperture, shutter speed, ISO, trends, camera types, genres, and insights on color, style, safety, privacy issues, and other useful tips of the trade!
Dates: Three Saturdays in May: May 4, 11, and 18. (Must attend all three), Time—11am-1pm.
Ages: 11-18.
Location: Julia de Burgos Cultural Arts Center, 2800 Archwood Ave, Cleveland
Cost: FREE!
Individual or Small Group Photography Classes
One-on-one or small group photography training and exposure focusing on the specific needs and/or interests of the student. May be in studio or on location, throughout Cleveland. Sessions may focus on specific genres like event, editorial, street, commercial, macro, portrait, nature or any other other interest.
Cost: Based on specific need. Call 216-[two-eight-two]-9774 or email hello [at]
Location: Throughout Cleveland. (Cuyahoga and the outer counties)